Working Time: Mon - Sat 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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0412 359 786

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Wentworth Falls NSW 2782

Jet Wash & CCTV Services

Jet blasting is a quick and effective method to unblock drains and sewers.   

We can conduct a camera survey (CCTV) of your drainage system.  A copy of the video file will help eradicate the problem.

plumbing and tools lying on drawing for repair Plumbing Tools Arranged

JetWash & CCTV Services

Jet blasting is a quick and effective method to unblock drains and sewers. While an electric eel will clear the blockage, it leaves debris in the pipeline. Use of the high-pressure water instead flushes the debris out of the pipeline and minimises the chances of another blockage in the future. If you have recurring drainage problems, or require further investigation into the cause of the blockage, we can conduct a camera survey (CCTV) of your drainage system. A copy of the video file will be provided along with our recommendations on the most cost effective way to carry out any required repairs. If you simply require a higher pressured hose to clean your house or driveway, don’t hesitate to give us a call. No job is too small.